REACH Church is a Christian, inter-denominational congregation of believers that celebrate God’s love in unique services in a very casual setting: come as you are, bring well-behaved puppies if you wish, bring your lawn chair and coffee and join us in a comfortable & friendly outdoor venue. God, our pastors and our entire congregation will welcome you–just as you are.
R – Rely on the Spirit within to guide us in ministry and outreach. – Rom 8:14-17
E – Every member is a minister in the world. – 2 Cor 3:5,6
A – Acceptance and love are keys to building relationships. – 1 Cor 9:19-23 – John 13:34,35
C – Christ is the answer to any of life’s questions. – John 14:5,6
H – Healing is God’s job and we trust Him to deliver the lost. – Matt 9:10-13